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  • Writer's pictureVishakha

Tips and Tricks for Creating Beautiful Landscape Art

Every artist has a different reason for creating landscape art. Some may do it to capture the beauty of nature, whereas others might simply do it to attach a visual to their emotions. Whatever may be the reason, almost all of us have found ourselves in that situation at least once, where a piece of beautiful landscape art left us stunned. Whether you are an artist or not, nature still manages to stir something deep within that makes you want to create an equally mesmerizing artwork.

While anyone who is willing to pick up a paintbrush can paint, it can still take years for you to hone the craft. If you are also someone on your journey of creating landscape masterpieces through your brush, here are some tips that can help you achieve the finesse.

Beautiful landscape art depicting the autumn season with sky trees and grass.

  • Take Time to Choose Your Subject Matter

Every landscape has its own unique attraction, but not all of them manage to carry the same charm on a canvas. So, take your time to choose your subject matter. Go for options that have different elements, like mountains in the distance, rivers, trees, etc., to add definition to your artwork. Keep in consideration the colors of the subject matter, the shapes of different objects, and how the light hits it. Believe it or not, the angle of light can make a whole lot of difference!

  • Filter Out the Clutter

A landscape can be beautiful and still have elements that don't work at the same time. Remember, it's your art, and you get to choose what you want to add or remove. So, if you think a mountain is taking away the beauty of your focal point, feel free to remove it. You can even take some artistic liberties to make modifications if you think it will result in a more beautiful landscape art.

  • Sketch Out the Landscape First

It will just take you a few minutes to sketch out the landscape before you start painting it. It will give you a better idea of how it will turn out towards the end and how you can adjust the dimensions. Drawing it out will also give you more clarity on what your focal point should be and what elements don't work. It is at this point you can decide if you want to change, remove something, or add certain elements. You don't need to draw a very precise sketch - just a rough draft.

  • Learn the Art of Illusion

Simply because your landscape has thirty trees in a row doesn't mean you have to draw all thirty of them. After painting the first few, you can just use swaths of green color to give an illusion of numbers. As long as your color choice is appropriate, the viewers will easily be able to guess what it represents. Sure, you can still choose to do it, but the idea of landscape painting isn't always to create a hyper-realistic artwork.

  • Your Focal Point Doesn’t Always Have to Be in the Centre

Again, it is your artwork, and you get to call the shots! However, placing the focal point in the middle makes your artwork look static and somewhat uninteresting. You can instead try to place it slightly towards either the left or the right side of the artwork, keeping it in the middle third of the canvas for that dynamic effect. To make it more engaging, you can play with the color palette, temperature, and texture of the artwork. This will help you redirect the viewer's attention to the focal point.

  • Play With Different Shades of Green

Nature has an abundance of green. So, using the same green from a single tube might not always be the best solution. It can be a challenge to always get the perfect shade of green by mixing the primary colors, but it can be way more rewarding. Add a bit more yellow if you want to paint a sunny landscape, or throw in some red to make it dull. You can use different shades of green in the same vegetation to add variation and play with light.

Don’t Be Afraid to Make Mistakes

You can read a dozen more tips to master the ways of creating beautiful landscape art. However, what will ultimately help you is actually picking up that brush and painting your heart out. There are various guidelines that can help you improve, but you can only do that when you start.

It is only with practice that you will learn to identify patterns, overcome challenges, and start to love the process. Experiment with different landscapes until you carve out your niche and learn what works best for you.

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