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Summer Roshni



Yellow and Black Photography Quote (1).p

"The transcendent energy of my artworks draws a viewer into a relationship and an experience."

The Supreme Being is The Ultimate artist to Bhullar.

The artwork revealsthe unlimited creative power and beauty of the Supreme Source of life, overwhelms, and arises a conscious urge to connect with it for deeper living. Size: 22.5 x 30 inches. Price: POR.

Her Art represents her experiences with The Supreme Being – The Supreme Reality. She has named her original genre "Supreme Reality Art."

The artwork reveals how complementary creative energies come together. In real living from the heart. Size: 19x12 inches.

The title helps her become completely clear about what she has represented. It helps a viewer relate to the depicted hidden reality. When an artist's artistic expression feels fulfilled, she receives mystic clarity from my guide about what the artwork represents within the Supreme Reality and a title.

"I purely express the spiritual experience."

The transcendent energy of her artworks draws a viewer into a relationship and an experience. The viewer encounters a transformative experience.

"Currently, most art experts are categorizing my works as abstract expressionism or abstract impressionism. I disagree because my art is objective to me, as real as the concrete realities in the phenomenal world. I am working to have my unique transcendent art recognized as representational of the hidden reality of life under a new genre called Supreme Reality Art by exhibiting, publishing, and explaining."

Supreme Reality Art does not distort or exaggerate reality to create special effects. It is also not a wild release of the suppressed subconscious mind, relieving its torment by creating things it cannot understand.

The artwork reveals and gives an experience of homecoming to the ultimate source of life and draws into the feeling of its bliss. Price: POR. Size: 16x24 inches

"My mind dissolves, and I experience a play of colors in my consciousness. Then there is a spontaneous release of this energy, and I paint, print, or draw it on the canvas."

The artwork reveals the state of a heart praying for a guide, with its yearning for union with the transcendent, which is beyond the grasp of its power. Size: 22.5x30 inches. Price: POR.

She purely expressed the spiritual experience. It is real and represents the realm that is our infinite source.

The artwork reveals feminine surrender in pure love as the supreme path to union with the Supreme. Price: POR. Size - 18x24 inches.

The themes of Supreme Reality Art are transcendental, with titles like Inspiring Faith, Search for the Soul, Conflicts of Loves, Self in Worship, and Humility of the Saints.

The artwork reveals a conscious gathering of energy required by the self for transformation through love, clarity, and hard work. Size - 30x22.5 inches.

The art's energy, colors, and forms compel a viewer to relate to them, with a reality deeper than the intellect.

The artwork helps to see and feel the powerful stranglehold of ignorant thoughts in a closed mind and arouses an urge for freedom. Size: - 30x22.5 inches. Price: POR.

"My experience generates a deep creative urge to express the hidden beauty."

The artwork reveals The Supreme’s dance in Supreme Joy, the mystic reality that is the purpose and cause of Creation. Size: 12x19 inches.

Her art is objective to herself, as real as the concrete realities in the phenomenal world. It just represents facts about the Supreme Reality, which science and mysticism have continued to explore. Without it, life can have no real meaning.

The artwork reveals stages of living to grow consciousness and life expression as steps towards the threshold of Supreme Reality. Price: N.F.S. Size: 36x48 inches.

She is working to have her unique transcendent art recognized as representational of the hidden reality of life under a new genre called Supreme Reality Art by exhibiting, publishing, and explaining.

The artwork reveals the inner energy chemistry of growing trust through belief and experience. Size: 13x6.5 inches.

"Science and mysticism continue to explore this, since without it, life can have no real meaning."

Summer Roshni Bhullar


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