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Yellow and Black Photography Quote (1).p

“I was born into a family of artists, so I think I always knew who I am.”

Polie Polienko works with liquid acrylic for a variety of reasons, but her multiple-kid parenting was the primary driver. This is always a lot when there are more than two kids. The desire to work never stops and keeps eating from within, especially when a young child is nearby. She had to find a way to shut off her creative side.

The seventh of my autumn challenges is "Flowers every day". I drew from memory and wanted to draw in blue. Earlier, I drew three blue forget-me-nots outside the challenge, in memory of the dead relatives of a wonderful artist. Having learned about the terrible events in her life, I was only able to express my feelings in the evening by drawing forget-me-nots. I drew this aster right after forget-me-nots with thoughts that the past cannot be changed, but you can believe in a bright future

Each of Polie's paintings is a leap into the unknown. It's like a dialogue with a friend, you can't control every word, but only the general atmosphere or it's like a spontaneous dance with a friend you know for a long time, but you dance impromptu.

The sixth aster from the Asters series. It was inspired by autumn melancholy and drawn from memory. This day was very eventful and there was a threat of not having time to withstand the 10-day challenge, but still, I managed to create it. It turned out so - a reflection of strength and perseverance. That is how I felt that evening.

She never knows for sure how the paint will lay down, in which direction it will curl. Liquid acrylic is always very lively and always a little unpredictable, which always intrigues her and inspires her to make new discoveries and experiments.

“I work and love to work with liquid acrylic.”

Drawing quickly is essential since acrylic paint dries rather quickly. Polie really appreciates it, even though this feature and the tone of several parts are problematic. The days that lie ahead as well as the current events have an impact on her

“My style is most likely a symbiosis of abstractionism and surrealism with the addition of expression, which requires high-speed drawing.”

Polienko paints what she likes or what she can connect to. Sometimes she paints with models, but sometimes from memory, in a surrealist way, what she liked or what was important to her.

The ninth aster was drawn from memory and inspired by the bright colors of autumn. Created with thoughts about how fleeting life is, in this case, a flower, but also in general, about the inexorability of time. In the picture, one of the asters made the last "exhalation" and this is what the second awaits soon, while still a lush and bright flower.

“I am currently working on a special workshop and will soon be able to continue to work on the in-progress and extended series.”

The third aster from the autumn flower series. Inspired by thoughts about the importance of socialization and support for each individual. In the picture, Astra is alone, but it is as if with all her being she reaches for the petals of another aster and we see her vibes. As in life, we do not see much, but we feel. I want to say that it is very important to trust your feelings. Our thoughts and feelings are equivalent to magic in fairy tales. You just need to listen and trust them

As soon as she got to Kyiv, Polien got to know a lot of fantastic artists and had the opportunity to participate in their workshops and hang out with them in her leisure time.

It was the second autumn challenge. The main task is a new color for a new painting. The theme is vegetables. This is the fourth painting in the series. In general, I love this vegetable and I like its aroma and its flowers during the flowering period. The picture is drawn from memory

She also took a few lessons from a well-known Ukrainian artist. After that, a little while later, she summarized the workshop where she is still working now and started in September 2021.

The seventh picture from the vegetable series. Drawn from memory and inspired by blue. In my area, this vegetable is called "Blue", although it is far from being blue, when it came time for a blue vegetable, I thought just about it.

To this date, she has managed to realize one flower collection called "Aster Expressions," which features 10 works with flowers. This collection was inspired by Fall 2021; it was her own "flowers every day" challenge. She now presents four of her works; the rest have already found their admirers.

Ninth vegetable. The color is purple. There were no purple vegetables on hand, so I had to research the options on the Internet. I liked his appearance. I drew from memory from the studied material

“Acrylic and steel are primed from cardboard based on interconnection principles”

The final picture of the vegetable challenge. I had to find a basket and collect the whole crop in it. I like this picture very much, it was my vitamin of the day. She inspired me very much and erased all the gloomy thoughts of that day.

In the winter of 21-22, she began working on a new series of works "Animals. Salvation cannot be ignored." This series of works is about beautiful views, objects are threatened with extinction if the kitchen does not take the issue of view. In the series, three pieces are finished, one of which will be displayed. The other two have already found their owners.

Picture outside the series and challenges. This is a spring bouquet that was presented to me in mid-February. In this picture, I depicted the gloom of impending events - at that time the Russian army was already standing on the border of Ukraine. At the same time, faith in the better nature of humanity and a brighter future oozes and fills the space of the canvas.

Due to the global transformations of the world, she had to suspend her work for more than 5 months. During this time, she managed to create only eight works for the Brave Ukraine series, consisting of flowers - symbols of Ukraine.

The first of the series is "Animals. Save Not To Be Ignored". I admire the grace and noble appearance of this animal. It was a real pleasure to draw him. I hope that this species will be destined to survive in a world where man reigns.

“After the series with asters, there was a series with vegetables, also an autumn theme. There are several works available in my collection.”

Polie Polienko


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