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Filleul olivier dit



Yellow and Black Photography Quote (1).p

“The nature that I describe is the real nature, the one that every day degrades before our indifferent eyes.”

Olivier Filleul was born in 1965 in Normandy. He grew up around his parents and grandparents who themselves were painters. Olivier Filleul, also known as Ofil, has engaged himself in an atmosphere that was valuable to his current development.

Vue d'un plan d'eau saumâtre inspirant la quiétude et la campagne profonde, alors qu'il se situe à quelques centaines de mètres de la ville de Plouescat et de son casino, côte nord de la Bretagne (France).

After working in advertising and real estate management, today we discover that he is a singular artist in his technique and approach. He works exclusively with gouache, thus combining the fluidity of watercolor with the smoothness of oil; this material remains a permanent challenge, requiring the struggle with shapes, contours, volumes, without neglecting the movements of water or branches.

Vue du deversoir de l'étang du Tronchet près de de la ville de Dol de Bretagne (Bretagne-France), on a l'impression d'être dans un cours d'eau en pleine forêt alors que l'on est tout proche d'n barrage Hydro-électrique.

For a figurative work, drawing is always decisive; obviously, Ofil knows how to draw and compose. This great faculty allows him to delicately tame the landscape and to underline the light with flat tints and successful transparency effects.

“I try to share with the viewer the emotion of the sight of a landscape.”

With Ofil, we get out of the conventional landscapes, seen and reviewed many times, we discover the subtlety of a low-angled light, the badly cut branches of a sick tree, or the dilapidated hull of an abandoned boat…

“My goal is to bear witness to the fragile beauty of everything that makes up the particularities of landscapes.”

For the artist, it is a question of trying to sublimate a place, a moment, to attract the glance and the attention of his contemporaries on what they look at but do not see anymore and which could long term disappear, when it is not already made.

L'île de Cézembre vue depuis la plage du Sillon à Saint-Malo (Bretagne-France), un ciel chargé typique de la région, je m'appercevrai à la signature du tableau, quapparait dans le ciel le visage de mon père, également peintre décédé peu avant, sûrement un clin d'oeil de sa part.

“Gouache, this material does not easily allow gradations, but I used it extensively to reveal what is hidden in the hurried walker.”

Départ d'un rassemblement de vieux gréements depuis la ville de Brest (Bretagne-France), en arrière-plan la réplique de la frégate L'Hermione, vaisseau qui avait emmené La Fayette aux Etats-Unis durant la guerre d'indépendance.

A course rewarded Ofil with several awards, selected at the 43rd Salon des peintres officials de la Marine at the Trocadero (2014), and a fellow of the Taylor Foundation in 2017.

Un corps de ferme typique de la région de Pont-Audemer (Normandie-France) vu en Hiver alors que j'allais à Rouen ma ville natale (Normandie) pour participer à un salon renommé ou j'ai été primé. J'ai été touché par ce lieu, malheureusement promis à la destruction, pour laisser place à un centre commercial...

The colors seize and impregnate our emotions with a lighting that seems to emerge from the depths. The blue rises to the eyes, the gray illustrates the reflections of the water but also the anger of the storm, and the yellow or the beige will underline the low light of a Breton port.

Un ciel orageux en plein après midi vu depuis le plateau picard près de la ville de Clermont (Picardie-France), ce ciel de fin d'automne s'éclaircira en quelques instants comme par enchantement, laissant place à un ciel bleu sans nuages.

Very quickly we understand that there are enigmas that we do not perceive at first glance. It is not a question of multiplying the superficial appearances but of letting guess the secrets of this overwhelmed nature.

Vue d'automne d'un chemin de halage sur le canal d'Ille et Rance près de chez moi à Saint Domineuc (Bretagne-France), tableau réalisé à l'âge d'automne, la " la cinquante" approchant.

“At first glance, my paintings might seem ordinary, but they are concealed for those who are willing to take the trouble to look, a simple but true beauty.”

Vieille chapelle belle malgré les vicissitudes du temps, vue dans le pays du Trégor (Bretagne-France) lors dun évènement visant à fêter sa prochaine cure de jouvence.

Between shadow and light, darkness and sun, earth and water, sea and sky, emerges a messenger writing, announcing a future made of fields without trees and a sea devoid of life. The colors undulate, detached from the material world.

Manoir, près de chez moi, appartenant à un ami peintre, situé aux pieds du château des Iffs (Bretagne-France), château ayant appartenu à la seconde épouse du Connétable Du Guesclin. Le ciel comme de feu, j'apprendrai par la suite que le bâtiment situé à gauche avait été victime plusieurs années auparavant d'un incendie, curieux hasard...

They manage to reconcile the rigor of his observations and the reality of his apprehensions. One is carried away by his paintings as by a cloud. This painting seems to observe you with silence, we are under the spell without being able to explain anything.

Chalutier abandonné après de bons et loyaux services, vu à marée basse dans un cimetière de bateaux à Quelmer-La passagère sur la Rance près de Saint Malo (Bretagne-France)

“Here is a pictorial work that spreads to the depths of ourselves.”

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