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Yellow and Black Photography Quote (1).p

“Drawing was an everyday part of my childhood and early teens.”

The artist's love of art can be traced back to his earliest memories, with a childhood gift for drawing. Due to severe allergies, he was unable to use mediums like acrylic, oil paints, or inks, leading to an early reliance on pencil for his realistic and representational creations.

Some of my pieces are inspired by important events in my life. This piece was inspired by my 25th wedding anniversary. With only colors and shapes, how do you represent love, loyalty, and commitment?

He participated in national drawing competitions and helped design wall murals for his middle school. As an adult, the artist found solace in the beauty of nature and began exploring nature photography as another means of artistic expression.

Some pieces of art are inspired by the simplest things. The inspiration for this piece are the orchids my wife grows in our living room. I enjoy their blooms and the shadows they cast on the wall.

This newfound love for capturing the world around him in photographs led to an interest in digital tools for photo editing and image creation. Still limited by his allergies, the artist turned to digital software as an alternative to traditional brushes, allowing him to continue creating without physical constraints.

“Digital tools are my brushes and my imagination is my canvas.”

The artist's knowledge of art is mostly self-taught, fueled by a vivid imagination and a mental gallery filled with masterpieces from both renowned and emerging artists. He enjoys strolling through galleries, whether in person or virtually.

“My appreciation for art has evolved from an initial focus on realism and representational art to a deep love for abstract art. I now primarily create abstract pieces, with occasional forays into quasi-representational art when aiming to guide the viewer toward a specific conclusion or emotion.”

Believing in the power of abstract art to offer infinite flexibility, the artist utilizes colors, forms, textures, and gestures to express his perspective of the world. He discovered that he could use colors and shapes to communicate thoughts and emotions, unique moments in life, or just everyday events.

The sights, the noise, the traffic, the crowds... How do you depict, in artwork, the sensory overload of being in New York City? This piece is quasi-representational since I want to convey to the viewer that this is a city setting.

“I experiment with the randomness of colors and shapes in my art, using both commercial digital tools and my own custom-made software.”

Abstract art allows me to depict what would be very difficult to depict in a realistic or representational form. Using only colors and lines, what does anxiety look like in your mind?

With a background in software development, he also has a strong affinity for logic, mathematics, and algorithms, which has led him to explore chaos and randomness in his artistic process.

Using only colors, textures, and abstract shapes, how do you portray mixed emotions?

The artist's style is fluid, a result of his admiration for a wide variety of artistic genres. He is driven to experiment with different styles in order to bring his imaginative visions to life.

A piece inspired by a quiet hike in the mountains. I stopped at this frozen lake and enjoyed a warm coffee.

Continuously studying, learning, and refining his digital techniques he more accurately represents what he sees in his mind. For this artist, art is a very personal journey shaped by experiences, emotions, and imagination.

Life is not always easy. Using shapes, colors, and textures, how do you picture a life-time of experiences?

“All of my creations are digital.”

Can you see yourself on the beach? Can you feel the gentle rains washing the salt from your skin?

His unique path has led him from his childhood pencil sketches to the digital realm of abstract art, where he continues to push the boundaries of his creativity, exploring new techniques and styles in the pursuit of artistic growth and self-expression.

Color palettes are powerful tools that can be used to evoke certain feelings or trigger emotions or memories. These blues are like the cool morning air before a hot summer day begins.

Prints of his work are available on his website at Prints can be purchased in various sizes, including large formats, and on different mediums such as paper, canvas, metal, etc. Usage licenses and even exclusive rights to artwork can be purchased, with details available on the website.

Can you picture Spring in your mind using only shapes and colors?

“Nature serves as the inspiration for much of my art.”

Adrian Maull


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