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Yellow and Black Photography Quote (1).p

“Paper quilling is not a simple process, its beauty is created with the delicate jade hand and skilfully using small pliers.”

Celine Chan is a novel artist from Hong Kong. She studied in Canada and pursued studies in design at the Chinese University of Hong Kong as well. Inspired by the Russian paper quilling master Yulia Brodskaya, Celine never stopped practising and devoted herself ardently to the creation of paper quilling art. Her artworks have a strong personality, with gorgeous integration of Oriental culture. Her works are glamorous and trendy, always demonstrating her passion for life and beauty. Her works are collected by many local and international celebrities.

This artwork is called Artemis. In Greece, this goddess represents the spiritual independence of women. Her strength comes from the boundaries she sets for herself. The female eyes in the painting are firm and confident. With sharply contrasting colours, Celine demonstrates the spiritual appearance of women's independence and courage.

According to the dense small lines already drawn, like the fine craftsman of timers, aiming at the works of art that are pasted into a picture, by every single trace, color and roll. One single mistake will cause the work to be redone all over again. Therefore, it is fair to compare the making of paper-quilling with the making of timers.

This artwork is called Aphrodite. This goddess gives people the power to love and be loved and helps people feel comfortable with their bodies. The characters in the painting have slightly drooped eyes and slightly tilted corners of mouth, but they show enthusiasm, confidence and glitters in their static state, which in a way elegantly and gently shows the beauty of women.

Paper quilling is an art originated from the British royal family and aristocrats in the 18th century. According to researches, this is an art emerged from the superior roll paper works made by religious woman (or nuns) to glamorize their religion. Such a good intention. These works, with a little patience and creativity, have become a beautiful and artistic divine color art, which is deeply loved and pursued by the nobility.

“Paper quilling is as gorgeous as oriental embroidery, and deeply loved by people.”

Paper quilling is worth pursuing and appreciating! Celine Chen’s paper quilling works will certainly sublimate your soul, as Master Wang Wei of the Tang Dynasty said: “Sitting alone in a bamboo grove, playing the piano and sing. Nobody know I am here, only the moon is shining on me.”

“The reason I like paper quilling artwork is because I feel calm and peace when I focus on pasting those paper pieces to the composition carefully.”

Celine was kind of resisted to art when she was young because she was afraid of failure and every uncertainty that was possible. She attended home school instead of primary school where everything was very strict and traditional, where students were not allowed to learn art freely and were not allowed to do what they want to do. Art was taught in a traditional way and all students were to follow the same old learning process with the same subject. There was no scope to learn new things. As a result, Celine could not find interest in learning art as a child. Her mind was very uneasy because she could not gather confidence. But eventually everything has changed for her when she met her art teacher when she was in high school.

This artwork is called Persephone. This goddess represents the spirit of rebirth from suffering. The image in the work gives people a sad yet steadfast feeling. Celine hopes to convey a positive attitude towards life to the suffering women through the images in the painting.

“I believe that the power of love can break through the gap of light leakage in the darkness., therefore, I want my viewers can feel that positive spirit towards life.”

The red-crowned crane is often featured in Chinese myths and legends. In Taoism, the red-crowned crane is a symbol of longevity and immortality. In art and literature, immortals are often depicted riding on cranes. Celine attempts to use the technique of paper quilling to create a unique image of the red-crowned crane, trying to combine the ancient atmosphere together with modern art approach.

She completed her high school from Vancouver, Canada. She met her art teach there for the first time. Her teacher always encouraged her to try new things. She used to take the students to various galleries, museums for field trip. She would allow the students to use whatever materials they could possibly find in the classroom to create artworks, and she also allowed to borrow art materials back to the dorm if the students wanted. Celine gathered her confidence form her art teacher. Her teacher would always encourage her and she gained recognition from her.

Tai Chi Circle is an expression of the combination of image, mathematic and philosophy. It vividly reveals the mystery of the universe: Yin and Yang are opposed and unified; corresponded but embraced. It symbolises the harmony achieved by the law of the unity of opposites in the universe. Celine expresses a kind of balanced beauty of Tai Chi’s philosophy through paper quilling techniques and strong contrast color matching.

As she recalls, she didn’t have too many friends in Vancouver at the beginnings, and the life there was kind of boring since there wasn’t many things that she could do at that time besides classes. So, she always practiced drawing alone at her room whenever she had time. During those days, she developed her confidence towards art and more importantly, she has found her interest in it.

Clivia implies noble and unyielding, resolute and strong, simple and distinctive elegant quality. Its flower posture is solemn ,elegant and graceful. Its charm is gentle, its flower fragrance is pure and upright, and its leaves are like swords. Its noble temperament has often been used to describe human noble character in ancient China, which is modest and polite, talented but not arrogant, aspiring but not proud, also not shrinking back for difficulty and poverty.

She fell in love with paper quilling artworks when she saw some wonderful paper quilling artworks at a book in a bookstore. It amazed her right away. She realised that paper quilling is the best form to express herself. Her heart was full of excitement when she started making her first paper quilling artwork. From a person who didn’t know too much technique and theory of making decorative art, she has tried again and again, learned through practice after practice, and finally she has managed the core and skill of making paper quilling art.

Christmas is an important festival for for christians to celebrate the birth of Jesus. Different countries and cultures celebrates Christmas nowadays, it has become a mixture of religion and traditional culture in our society. Celine created a vivid and unique paper quilling artwork through the image of Christmas reindeer with various Christmas accessories, creating a warm and joyful atmosphere.

“She is one of the few Asian artists engaged in the creation of paper quilling.”

This artwork is an experimental paper quilling practice based on the artwork called " The Kiss" created by the Vienna's painting master Gustav Klimt. I am inspired by Klimt's glorious, colorful and even exotic painting style a lot. Therefore, I used the paper quilling approach to re-create " The Kiss" in order to show my appreciation to the master.

Paper quilling definitely needs a lot of patience and perseverance to complete. It is a very difficult process and it is such an unforgiving art form. But on the other hand, it gives her enormous satisfaction and sense of fulfilment after she finishes making the whole artwork.

Plum blossom is a traditional famous flower in Chinese culture. A Poem written by the Northern Song Dynasty poet Wang Anshi called “Plum Blossom”. In the poem, the strong and noble character of plum blossoms is used to describe people who like poet that can still adhere to integrity and advocate justice in difficult and harsh environments, and are not afraid of exclusion and attack for the prosperity of the country.

She is very demanding of herself, she always pushes herself hard enough to breakthrough her limitation, try to do the best she can. She is a sensitive person as well as a perfectionist. She wants to express the psychological side of human being and the attitude of how people face problems through her painting, giving them the power to be more resilient to difficulties.

This paper quilling artwork is another experimental practice I created while I first got into the art of paper quilling. This artwork is a special piece for me because its appearance and style are quite different compared with the other artworks I have done, in which I used a cartoon style to present a Chinese opera actress’s image.

“Celine is a self-taught artist. She always like delicate, beautiful, and creative things.”

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